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How to Travel from Malaysia to Thailand by Train

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How to Travel from Malaysia to Thailand by Train

Not too long ago, I travelled from Malaysia to Thailand by train, as part of my epic journey overland from Singapore to Vietnam. It was an incredible experience – and one that can easily be repeated. So if you’re travelling through SE Asia overland, this is the post for you! 

I took the Penang to Bangkok train, travelling overnight. Waking up on board a moving train in time to watch the sunrise flickering through the palm trees, its light shimmering across on glassy lakes dotted with snowy white egrets and colourful water lilies… the experience is one I won’t forget in a hurry!

That’s not to say it wasn’t without its difficulties. Taking a sleeper train in Thailand is certainly not the most comfortable affair. And organising it was a little challenging. To help, I’ve put together this post containing everything you need to know about taking the train from Malaysia to Thailand. If you have any questions that I don’t cover in this blog post, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll try to help out! 

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. I’ll make a small commission if you book anything through one of my trusted partners, without affecting the price you pay at all. 

Malaysia to Thailand by Train: The Route

Travelling from Malaysia to Thailand by train is fairly straightforward. But it’s unlikely you’ll be starting from anywhere near the border, so you’ll have to get there first.

If you want to head from Kuala Lumpur or Penang to Bangkok by train, you actually need to take two trains. First, a train to the border, and then the overnight sleeper train across Thailand to Bangkok. 

Step One – Head to Butterworth Station in Penang. If you’re coming from Penang Island, you can take the ferry from Georgetown to Butterworth. From the ferry terminal, there’s a free shuttle bus which will take you directly to Butterworth Station (about a five minute drive away). 

Step Two – Take the Train from Butterworth Station to Padang Besar. This is right on the border with Thailand and about 2 hours from Butterworth. 

If you’re starting from Kuala Lumpur and skipping Penang (which I do not recommend, as the island is lovely), then you simply hop on a direct train from KL Sentral to Padang Besar. It takes 5.5 – 6 hours.

Step Three – Cross the border within Padang Besar station. 

Step Four – Take the sleeper train from Padang Besar to Bangkok. It takes 17 hours and arrives into Hua Lamphong station in central Bangkok at 10am. 

Malaysia to Thailand by Train
Hua Lamphong Station in Bangkok

1.1 Penang to Padang Besar

If you’re starting out from Georgetown on Penang Island, like me, then you’ll need to take the ferry back across to Butterworth and take the free shuttle bus back to the station. 

Aim to take the 2:25pm train from Butterworth to Padang Besar, which is about two hours north on the border with Thailand. That should get you to the border station with plenty of time to spare for customs etc before the evening overnight train. 

Of course, train times in Malaysia might vary – and you can’t book the Butterworth to Padang Besar train in advance. So be sure to take note of the schedule when you arrive in Butterworth, BEFORE heading off to the island. 

The train from Butterworth to Padang Besar takes around two hours and is a commuter train, so it looks more like a metro. Be warned: there are no toilets on board! 

Penang to Bangkok Train
The commuter train from Butterworth to Padang Besar.
Penang to Bangkok Train
Butterworth Station

1.1 Alternative – Kuala Lumpur to Padang Besar

If you’re skipping Penang (don’t – it’s lovely!) you can go straight to the border from Kuala Lumpur.

Head to KL Sentral Station and board the direct train to Padang Besar. There’s one that leaves at 10:01 and arrives at 15:55, which should be plenty of time to catch the sleeper train, assuming there are no delays. 

RELATED POST: Best Hostels in Kuala Lumpur (as recommended by genuine travellers).

Penang to Bangkok Train
Scenery in Malaysia on board the train to the border

1.2 Border Crossing

There’s not really a physical border in Padang Besar station so it’s easy to slip up here. But if you enter Thailand without your passport stamp and visa, it will cause problems when you try to leave. You could even get a hefty fine. So be sure to pass through customs correctly. 

You have to go through the Malaysia exit customs first, which are towards the southern end of the platform. They are signposted, but it’s not super clear – ask someone if you get lost. Pass through and get your exit stamp, then walk up the platform and join the queue for the Thai immigration to get your entry stamp. Then it’s just a case of waiting for the sleeper train to Bangkok to arrive!

If you slip up, don’t worry. I’d heard that the border staff were all super strict, and would close down bang on 4:30pm regardless if there was still a queue or not. In my experience, this was not true. They stayed open until all passengers were through immigration.

I accidentally went to the Thai entry immigration queue first, and when they realised my mistake they were very nice about it. Although the official who stamped me in also felt the need to staple my immigration form into my passport, as he clearly didn’t trust me! 

1.3 Padang Besar to Bangkok Sleeper Train

Malaysia to Thailand by Train

There’s a daily overnight train from Malaysia to Thailand, which departs Pedang Besar at 5pm local time. Your tickets will say 6pm, but that’s Thai time. If you’re in Malaysia you need to arrive at Padang Besar station in time for a 5pm departure. Super confusing! 

The Padang Besar to Bangkok train takes 17 hours, and arrives into Hua Lamphong station in the centre of Bangkok at around 10am. 

2. How to Book

It’s a good idea to book the trains in South East Asia as far in advance as you can. Popular routes and times can get booked up pretty far in advance. In fact, one week before my trip, some of the journeys I was trying to book were already sold out. Then again, if you can be flexible on dates and timings, you’ll probably be OK booking a few days before. 

The easiest way to book your the Penang to Bangkok train is online. I used the following two websites to book all my journeys and found them to be incredibly reliable, and easy to use:

Baolau – easy to use, and often the slightly cheaper option.

12-Go Asia – usually more options in the results – but the prices were sometimes a fraction higher.

Malaysia to Thailand by Train is one of the easiest ways to book trains in Asia

Butterworth to Padang Besar – you can’t book this train online or in advance, so arrive with plenty of time to buy a ticket at Butterworth Station.

KL to Padang Besar – search prices on Baolau and 12Go Asia. I’ve already put in the search details for you (I’m so thoughtful like that) so just click, compare, and go! 

Overnight Train to Bangkok – search prices on Baolau and 12Go Asia. Book this train as early as you can as it is often full.

3. What is the Malaysia to Thailand Train Like?

Malaysia to Thailand by Train

The sleeper train in Thailand was a pretty old, clanky affair. A hulking diesel train that juddered and vibrated constantly. It felt like the stuff of proper adventures! The interior was basic, but perfectly comfortable. 

During the day, the train has seats arranged in groups of four on either side of the aisle. The seats themselves are straight-backed benches with leather padding, so they’re quite roomy and you can have your stuff on the seat next to you. Each seat faces another one, and the two across the aisle face each other as well, creating a group of four. Seats are preassigned so you have to find the right number in your carriage, but it’s easy enough. 

There’s room to store luggage under the seats, although some people with really big cases couldn’t fit theirs and had to leave them in the aisle. 

Malaysia to Thailand train
Padang Besar to Bangkok – seats during the day.
Train from Malaysia to Thailand
Plug Sockets, Fans, and Additional Storage Space

There are a couple of plug sockets in each carriage, so if you need to charge a phone you could do so. These were all full for most of the journey though.

There was A/C as well as a couple of fans. The temperature on board was a bit chilly but not freezing – come prepared with layers just in case. 


At night, the train staff will convert the seats into bunk beds, with curtains for privacy. Unlike the overnight trains I’ve taken in some other countries, the beds on the sleeper train in Thailand lie along the train instead of across it. Sleeping in the direction of travel felt more comfortable and seemed to rock less. 

Malaysia to Thailand by Train Overnight
Bunk beds on the train

The lights don’t switch off at night, and the curtains don’t block out much light. So bring an eye mask1 You get given clean bedding that comes in sealed plastic bags, but I popped my scarf over the pillow anyway, just to be sure. 

Upper bunks are slightly skinnier and you can’t sit up in them. But I didn’t mind my upper berth too much – and it was nice to feel like I was up above the foot traffic going up and down the aisle. The uppers also have no window, which might be better for sleeping. Although it’s a shame to miss the sunrise.

Thailand Sleeper Train
Inside my Upper Berth


A trolley service sold food on board – 160 bhat for a set meal. If you buy one they pop up a little wooden table between the seats so you can dine! 

Hawkers get on at the stations with food too including chicken and rice, and bags of fruit. 


So what are the toilets like on a sleeper train in Thailand? An important question, since in the 17 hours that you’ll be on board you’re probably going to have to use them at least once! 

I’m happy to report that the loo situation on board the Malaysia to Thailand train was pretty OK. Not the most luxurious bathroom experience I’ve had in my life, but far from being the worst! The cubicle was small and kind of smelly, but it was OK as long as you tried not to touch anything. 

It was a standard Western toilet (not a squat). There was toilet roll which – surprisingly – lasted the whole journey. Of course, being SE Asia there was also a standard “bum gun” spray as well!! I ALWAYS recommend carrying tissue, wet wipes, and antibacterial hand gel for any overland journey in SE Asia – it pays to be prepared. 

The sinks were separate, which meant you could also use them to brush your teeth etc without having to go inside the cubicle. Train staff kept the bathrooms reasonably clean, but not amazingly so – I wouldn’t recommend sitting on the seat if you can avoid it! 

4. Sleeper Train Thailand – Tips and Advice


Try to pick up some Thai Bhat cash before crossing the border, because the trolley service on board only took Thai money when I asked. If you don’t have any Thai cash, eat something filling at the station while you’re waiting for the overnight train, and stock up on snacks. Luckily there are several shops and food stalls upstairs in Padang Besar station. 


Book early if you want to secure a bottom bunk! Upper berths on the Thailand sleeper train were a bit narrower than the lower ones, and you can’t sit up in them properly. However, they felt a bit more private. 

FYI – if you’re sitting on the right-hand side of the train, you’ll be able to see the sunrise in the morning. 

Penang to Bangkok Train Overnight
Sunrise from the train!

Travel Light

As I mentioned above, the luggage space is limited. The smaller your case, the better. I had my 60L Osprey backpack and it was fine, but people with massive suitcases had to leave them in the aisle. 

Keep Your Valuables on You

It probably goes without saying, but try to keep your valuables out of sight, and definitely keep them on you at all times. If you’re travelling solo, keep things in your daypack so you can easily take them to the loo with you. And if you charge your phone using one of the plug sockets, make sure it’s somewhere you can see it! 

RELATED POST: Tips for Keeping Your Valuables Safe While Travelling

Thailand Sleeper Train
Me after the Overnight Train Experience!

5. Things to Pack

Eye Mask – the lights don’t turn off so you’ll need one to sleep!

Pillowcase or scarf to cover your pillow – the pillows were sealed in plastic, but I’m still wary of anything I didn’t wash myself. 

Earplugs – you can pick up a pack of 10 earplugs from around £3 on Amazon. 

Lots of tissue – or just a whole toilet roll. Just in case!

Anti-bacterial hand gel always use it, even after washing your hands, and especially before eating! 


Bottled water – or use a filter bottle and you can fill up from the bathroom tap without worrying! I LOVE my Water-to-Go bottle (read the review here and use my discount code, EMLUX15, for 15% off).

Multi-socket plug adapter – there aren’t too many plug sockets on board, so a multi-socket plug adapter is handy if you need to charge a few things at once. Or if you want to share with fellow passengers and make friends! 

Jumper and/or clothing layers – it can be a little chilly on board so bring a few layers. 

6. Do You Need a Visa to Travel from Penang to Bangkok by Train?

British citizens can enter Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa. This also applies to citizens of 50 other countries; check the full list here

When you’re in Thailand it’s possible to extend the stay by a further 30 days at a Thai Immigration Office. If you want to stay longer you’ll need to apply in advance, so check the Government’s website for the most up-to-date info. 

thai culture

There are reports of border officials asking to see proof of onward travel – ie your ticket for travel out of Thailand. If you plan on doing this overland, you can explain this and it should be fine. I didn’t encounter any issues – but if you’re worried you could always prebook a cheap bus ticket and print it out to show as proof of onward travel. 

Further Reading

My Guide to Travelling from Singapore to Vietnam by Train

Best Hostels in Bangkok (As Recommended by Genuine Travellers)

And watch the video of my full journey, including footage from the Thailand sleeper train, so you can check out exactly what it’s like!

Everything you Need to Know About Visiting Nan Province Thailand

Things to do in Nan Province Thailand

How to Travel from Malaysia to Thailand by Train

4 thoughts on “How to Travel from Malaysia to Thailand by Train”

  1. im so glad that im bump into your website.
    i got a queation regarding immigration for both side malaysia and thailand,

    1) what time the immigration open for clearance as i heard and research about it is stated 3pm(mys time) and close 4.30pm as u stated in your post but i can’t confirm it regarding opening.

    2) secondly and hopefully my last question after i cleared from thai immigration im i allowed to roam around the checkpoint like heading towards the food stall in malaysia side while waiting for the train to arrived?

    i will be traveling in December from singapore and hope your reply me back, and your help is very much appreciated

    1. hi Ahmad! Hope I can help…

      1) When I arrived, the immigration was already open. It stayed open past 4:30pm, until every passenger was through. I think it closed around 5pm in the end. I can’t say for certain when it opens, but I think they do it to coincide with the trains arriving. I believe they also open immigration in the morning when the overnight train from Bangkok arrives. Sorry I can’t be more helpful than that. What time were you planning to reach the train station?

      2) I didn’t leave the train station, so can’t say for sure, but I think once you are through Thai immigration you can’t leave the station. However, from what I can tell there is nothing at Padang Besar other than the train station. I spoke to a guy who had arrived from Bangkok that morning to do a “visa run”. He cleared Thai customs, entered Malaysia through their customs, took a taxi to a restaurant in the village nearby, then came back to the station. Then he exited Malaysia and entered Thailand through customs again, ready to take the evening train back to Bangkok. He told me there was nothing to see in the town.

      It’s not like a normal border checkpoint as everything is inside the train station, and there is no Thai or Malaysia side – it’s all just one train station. There are food stalls etc inside the station. Most people clear customs, then wait in the waiting area until the train.

      Hope that helps!

  2. thank you so much for your reply, very much appreciated.

    im planning to booked a train ticket from KL sentral to padang besar at 8.30am will be reaching 14.20pm or 9.55am will be reaching at 15.28pm. so will see how it goes

    cause i be from Singapore tooked a bus the day before 23.30pm will reach to KL sentral not sure what time. i hoping for a smooth traffic in dec so i catch a 7.11am train timing nut if not the 2 timing stated earlier will be a better.

    the timing will be in mys timing.

    once again thanks for the reply and keep up with your backpacking travel.

    1. I think arriving at 15.28pm would still be absolutely fine – but just doesn’t give you much time in case of delays. But hopefully everything will run smoothly :) Good luck with your journey – and enjoy!

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